Help Desk Software from Help Desk Reloaded , For Free.
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Help Desk Demo: Online :Version: 3.4.9
Software Updates: Frequent
Help Desk Software Project Status.
Current Version: 3.6.8 , Help Desk Project



This is a ongoing open source project to create the best stable php based help desk software possible.

The help desk software is totaly free for anyone's use. He also provide a help desk discussion forum which allows you to contribute to the project by submitting bug fix requests and fixes, requesting features and discussing the software.



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*Requires opening a new window.


help desk software documentation
IT help desk software Documentation and Information.


Time Tracking Software Project

Time Tracking Software Our other free software development project.


help desk call tracking software

Minor issues that haven been submitted to Help Desk Reloaded Customer Support, which we are correcting.
Help Desk Corrections Page


Download web help desk software

Download Help Desk Software.


Help Desk Software Is our focus, we are working hard to create the best free information technology (IT) help desk software available with your ideas and suggestions.

Recently Published Support Documents:
Configuring Help Desk for php email 1-2-05

Help Desk Software New Features:

New Help Desk Software Version 3.4.2 With Added Search Capabilities.

Help Desk Version 3.4.1 Better Search Tutorial.

A walk through of help desk version 3.4.0's new features

Help Desk Software White Papers

Help Desk White Paper 1

Screen Shots from the Help Desk Software

Help Desk Screen Shot 1 Help Desk Screen Shot 2 Help Desk Screen Shot 3

Our Help Desk Software has the following Benefits

  • Free Help Desk Software, No cost to you.
  • Easy to Install with the help desk installation wizard.
  • Based on PHP and using the free database software MySQL
  • No programming or database knowledge required. We have built in all the features you need in the help desk's web based GUI.
  • Updated Frequently we normally release new version every other week.
  • We are interested in implementing your ideas. If you have a good idea for a feature on the help desk software, let us know. We listen.

Take a test drive our our free help desk.
Enter and View the Help Desk Software Demo "Help Desk Demo"

Product Description: Help Desk Reloaded's free software supports; trouble ticket prioritization, multiple customer support technicians, help desk search, and many other features.

Help Desk Support Software

We are confident you will enjoy our help desk support software. The help desk is cross platform compatible and can be used on almost any OS. We have tested the help desk software on Free BSD, Linux, Windows 2000 & 2003 and Apple OS X.

Want to find out more about Help Desk Reloaded Organization? Visit the Help Desk Reloaded Labs

We recommend you use the help desk support software forum to contact us. If you would like to contribute to the help desk distribution, and share your modifications please use the forum to let us know your email address so that we might contact you.

We also have a Help Desk FAQ which you can view.

Help Desk Reloaded "HelpDeskReloaded" is used by many different industries and organizations. We are very proud of some of the ways the software has been put to use, such as in educational environments.
Please HelpDesk Case Study
: From an school in Canada.

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Help Desk Software Blog

We are working on creating some more reports, to give you a heat map of the most frequently used tickets.

Posted 02-10-2008

We are in the process of updating the web site. If you have any comments, bugs or suggestions for the web site feel free to post them on the discussion forum. We are also working on a number of bug fixes for search, end user regirtration and looking into multiple uploads.

Post 9-10-06

We have noticed some bugs with end users and searching the knowledge base. We are working on this problem. Also people are welcome to post requests for new features on the help desk forum.

Post 1-23-06

We finished testing version 3.4.7. It includes a new help desk interface. Yes we finally removed the strange graphics. Time Tracking Capacity and Time Reporting. The new version is available for download now!

Post 12-17-05
We are testing some time tracking components of the help desk. We are highly interested in what you feel would make this portion of the help desk better in regards to Time Tracking the Trouble Ticket escalation. Please let us know on the help desk forum

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Help Desk Reloaded
Help Desk Software

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